MVCAP offers a variety of programs to assist residents in financial emergencies and to help them make changes that promote self-sufficiency. 

Solve pressing problems or set ambitious goals with one of our programs. 

Emergency Help

Darke County residents may be eligible for the Bridge the Gap program, funded by United Way. This one-time assistance is designed for those whose income is too high to qualify for other MVCAP programs. Examples of assistance include security deposits, rents, utilities and securing birth certificates. Required documentation includes birth certificates, Social Security cards and proof of income. Contact the Darke County office for more information.

Greene County residents may be eligible for emergency assistance. Individuals and households with incomes at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (click here for guidelines) may receive assistance to prevent eviction or utility disconnect or for other critical needs. Apply by visiting or calling the Greene County office.

Montgomery County residents may be eligible for a variety of help through the Prevention, Retention and Contingency Program. Click here for details.

Homebuyer and Financial Counseling

Available in Darke, Greene, Montgomery and Preble counties

Participants will receive counseling specific to their individual needs in areas of credit repair, budgeting, pre- or post-purchase counseling or foreclosure prevention counseling and assistance.

As needed, participants may be referred to other organizations for down payment assistance, intensive credit repair assistance or legal assistance not offered in-house. Counseling will be offered on an individual basis, with financial literacy workshops offered on an ongoing basis to further develop participants’ skill sets as they desire.

If you are interested in this program, email

Micro Enterprise
Available in Montgomery County

MVCAP’s Micro-Enterprise Business Development and Training Program is a 10-week business development course offered in Montgomery County and gives prospective business owners all the tools necessary to start their business successfully.

This program is currently on hiatus, however, you can click here to learn more.