Darke County
Homelessness Crisis Response Program
- Rapid Rehousing for individuals and families.
- Assistance finding or stabilizing safe and appropriate housing.
- Assistance for security deposit/first month’s rent.
- Screenings required.
- Call 937-548-8143
Emergency Homeless Shelter
- Short-term shelter for persons left homeless due to fire, eviction or other circumstances.
- Very temporary living situation.
- Background check by Greenville Police required.
- Meetings with MVCAP staff to devise permanent housing solution required.
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)
- Participants receive vouchers and search for their own housing, which may include single-family homes, townhouses, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes or even the family’s present residence.
- Housing must meet the requirements of the program.
- Housing subsidies are paid directly to the landlord on behalf of the family.
- This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Greene County
Donnellan Shelter
- Formerly known as the Greene County Housing Program.
- Emergency residency for 30 days.
- Transitional residency for up to 6 months
Click here for complete information.
Harding Place Shelter
- Transitional housing for up to 18 months
Montgomery County
MVCAP does not offer emergency or transitional housing in Montgomery County. We can refer you to another agency for assistance.
Preble County
MVCAP does not offer emergency or transitional housing in Preble County.