Applications to Miami Valley Community Action Partnership programs are sometimes denied for a variety of reasons. Those reasons may include making too much money to qualify for income-based programs, failure to submit required documents, or other issues.

Weatherization applicants may also appeal if their completed application was not acted on within 60 days.

All customers who believe they have been denied by mistake can appeal and have their application reviewed. If denied at the program level, customers can appeal to the CEO. Appeals can also be made to the state level and, for Utility Assistance only, to the federal level.

Appeals must be made within 30 days of receiving notification that you have been denied.

The process is slightly different for each program so please review the below steps carefully.

Applicants have the right to appeal the denial of services within 30 days of receiving the denial notification.

Local Level Written Appeal

Within 30 days of receiving your denial letter, submit your appeal in writing (letter or email) and attach supporting documentation to:

Dawn Drake, Utility Assistance Director
Miami Valley Community Action Partnership
719 S. Main Street
Dayton, Ohio 45202

Your appeal will be reviewed within 30 days from the date of your appeal request.  You will be notified in writing (letter or email) within ten days of the decision.

Local Level Hearing

If you were denied during the written appeal, you may request a formal hearing within 30 days of the denial of the written appeal. You must submit a request for a formal hearing in writing (letter or email) to the CEO of Miami Valley Community Action Partnership.

Erin Jeffries, CEO
Miami Valley Community Action Partnership
719 S. Main Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402

MVCAP will schedule a hearing within 30 days of receiving the written request.  The hearing shall be held at a mutually convenient place or held virtually.

MVCAP shall appoint a hearing officer who may be a staff member who was not involved in the original decision. You will be notified of the decision in writing (letter or email) within ten days of the formal hearing.

State Level Appeal

If you wish to pursue a further appeal, you must submit a written State Level Appeal to the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA) within 30 days of the final hearing decision rendered by MVCAP. The appeal request may be mailed to:

Ohio Department of Development
Office of Community Assistance
P.O. Box 2169
Columbus, Ohio 43216
FAX: 614-387-2718 Attn. Appeals

The Ohio Department of Development will only review appeals that have been denied at both the Local Level Written Appeal and Hearing process AND that contain new information or information not considered during the Local Level Written Appeal or Hearing process.  The appeal request must contain the following information:

  1. Client’s name, address, telephone number
  2. Client number (if available)
  3. Reason for appeal
  4. Supporting documentation
  5. Client’s signature.

The decision on the appeal will be made within 30 days of receipt of the appeal request. You will be notified within ten days of the decision.

Federal Level Appeal

If you wish to appeal the State Level Appeal determine, you can submit a Federal level Appeal to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Administration for Children and Families. Complaints must be in writing and the complaint must identify the provision of the act, assurance or certification that was allegedly violated, and must include all relevant information known to you.

The appeal must be mailed to:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Administration for Children and Families Office of Community Services/Division of Energy Assistance
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Mary E. Switzer Building, 5th Floor
330 C Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20201
FAX: (202) 401-5661

All appeal decisions made by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Administration for Children and Families are final.

Applicants have the right to appeal the denial of services within 30 days of receiving the denial notification.

Local Level Written Appeal

Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, submit your appeal in writing (letter or email) with supporting documentation attached to:

Karen Berry, Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Miami Valley Community Action Partnership
719 S. Main Street
Dayton, Ohio 45202

The appeal review will be completed within 30 days from the date of your appeal request. You will be notified in writing (letter or email) within ten days of the decision.

Local Level Hearing

If you were denied during the written appeal, you may request a formal hearing within 30 days of the denial of the written appeal. You must submit a request for a formal hearing in writing (letter or email) to the CEO of Miami Valley Community Action Partnership.

Erin Jeffries, CEO
Miami Valley Community Action Partnership
719 S. Main Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402

MVCAP will schedule a hearing within 30 days of receiving the written request.  The hearing shall be held at a mutually convenient place or held virtually. MVCAP shall appoint a hearing officer who may be a staff member who was not involved in the original decision. You will be notified of the decision in writing (letter or email) within ten days of the formal hearing.

State Level Appeal

If you wish to pursue a further appeal, you must submit a written State Level Appeal to the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA) within 30 days of the final hearing decision rendered by MVCAP. The appeal request may be mailed to:

Ohio Department of Development Office of Community Assistance, Appeals
P.O. Box 2169
Columbus, Ohio 43216
FAX: (614) 387-2718, Attention: Appeals

The Ohio Department of Development will only review appeals that have been denied at both the Local Level Written Appeal and Hearing process AND that contain new information or information not considered during the Local Level Written Appeal or Hearing process. The appeal request must contain the following information:

  1. Client’s name, address, telephone number
  2. Client number (if available)
  3. Reason for appeal
  4. Supporting documentation
  5. Client’s signature

The decision on the appeal will be made within 30 days of receipt of the appeal request. You will be notified within ten days of DOD’s decision.

Applicants have the right to appeal the denial of services within 30 days of receiving the denial notification.

Local Level Written Appeal

Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, submit your appeal in writing (letter or email) with supporting documentation attached to:

Karen Berry, Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Miami Valley Community Action Partnership
719 S. Main Street
Dayton, Ohio 45202

The appeal review will be completed within 30 days from the date of your appeal request. You will be notified in writing (letter or email) within ten days of the decision.

Local Level Hearing

If you were denied during the written appeal, you may request a formal hearing within 30 days of the denial of the written appeal. You must submit a request for a formal hearing in writing (letter or email) to the CEO of Miami Valley Community Action Partnership.

Erin Jeffries, CEO
Miami Valley Community Action Partnership
719 S. Main Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402

MVCAP will schedule a hearing within 30 days of receiving the written request.  The hearing shall be held at a mutually convenient place or held virtually. MVCAP shall appoint a hearing officer who may be a staff member who was not involved in the original decision. You will be notified of the decision in writing (letter or email) within ten days of the formal hearing.

State Level Appeal

If you wish to pursue a further appeal, you must submit a written State Level Appeal to the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA) within 30 days of the final hearing decision rendered by MVCAP. The appeal request may be mailed to:

Ohio Department of Development Office of Community Assistance, Appeals
P.O. Box 2169
Columbus, Ohio 43216
FAX: (614) 387-2718, Attention: Appeals

The Ohio Department of Development will only review appeals that have been denied at both the Local Level Written Appeal and Hearing process AND that contain new information or information not considered during the Local Level Written Appeal or Hearing process. The appeal request must contain the following information:

  1. Client’s name, address, telephone number
  2. Client number (if available)
  3. Reason for appeal
  4. Supporting documentation
  5. Client’s signature

The decision on the appeal will be made within 30 days of receipt of the appeal request. You will be notified within ten days of DOD’s decision.

Applicants will receive a Notice of Action regarding their application which will describe whether they are approved and for what services and time period.

If you do not understand the notice, contact the caseworker listed on the notice.

If you agree with the action, you don’t need to do anything. If you do not agree with the action, you have a right to a state hearing.

State Hearing

A state hearing lets you or your representative (lawyer, welfare rights worker, friend or relative) give your reasons against the action. PRC administrators will also attend to present the reasons for the action. A hearing officer from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services will decide who is right.

If you want a hearing, we must receive your request within 90 days of the mailing date of your Notice of Action.

If someone else makes the hearing request for you, it must include a written statement, signed by you, tell us that the person is your representative.

Only you can make a request by telephone.

Your Notice of Action will include a place to sign to submit your request for a state hearing. Forms should be returned to:

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
State Hearings
P.O. Box 182825
Columbus, Ohio 43218-2825

Click here to see an example of the form you will receive.